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Fix game exit error

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First of all, I apologize for my English, it might be a bit bad.


This error is in all available versions, free and non-free, and many people face it. Marty Sama did not solve this error except in version 5.8, and despite that, there are many versions with this error.

I searched for the error because it is annoying when I modify the coordinates of something and I want it somewhere I need to disconnect the client more than once and despite that it tells me that the account is already connected How is that and I have exited the client


The solution is simple:
Open cmt_general.cpp

                        case SCMD_QUIT:
				ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_COMMAND, "quit");
change with:
			case SCMD_QUIT:
				ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_COMMAND, "quit");
				if (d)


Be careful, you will encounter an error with the spaces. Arrange the spaces as the file needs them yourself.

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2 godziny temu, Delta napisał(a):

Hey @002
 but we already have a topic on the forum with that solution.


I didn't know it existed so I wanted to share it for the benefit, but if it already existed then delete the topic or move it to the archive

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5 godzin temu, 002 napisał(a):

I didn't know it existed so I wanted to share it for the benefit, but if it already existed then delete the topic or move it to the archive

next time check is there are such a topic

nobody wants to make mess here 


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